
Brave Girls Club

You might notice there is a badge under my "About Me" now. It's for the Brave Girls Club Daily Truths. Subscribe to these daily truths and you get a little message of encouragement every day in your email. They're beautiful. A couple weeks ago, my mom forwarded me a couple of them... The first one she sent is still my favorite.

I've actually printed this one out and have it posted on my bulletin board on my desk so I see it every single day. I've since subscribed to these emails myself and it is truly amazing how nine times out of ten, the daily truth is exactly what I need that day. I really recommend it. Even if you're feeling on top of the world and don't feel like you need any encouragement, let's be honest. You can always use someone on the sidelines cheering you on.


  1. Love, love, love these! They always seem to be exactly what I need to hear, too. Encouraging and loving without being sappy. They're wonderful!

  2. Exactly! Usually these sorts of things are just sickly sweet and disgusting. These are down to earth and I love them. :)
