Uhm. So. There's less than twenty-four hours left in 2011. That's weird. Wasn't it just a couple weeks ago that it turned 2011?
I'm not really one to make resolutions, really. I mean, I have goals and everything for this year, but they're not "resolutions". I guess I could say something about wanting to jog more, but that's sort of cheating because I'm taking a jogging class this next semester (death). I have plans and everything, but there's a difference, you know?
I'm looking forward to some really geeky movies coming out, as I've already talked about. I'm looking forward to another year of learning and growing. I'm looking forward to meet the people I'll meet and go the places I'll go. I'm looking forward to figuring out what the heck I'll be doing this summer. I'm looking forward to starting my final year of undergrad in the fall. (That concept also freaks the beejuzus out of me. My final year of undergrad. WHAT???) Oh, and my "twin brother" (we adopted each other as twins) is coming home from his mission in October. I'm really excited to see him again. :) And my best friend leaves on his mission just this next month, so that's exciting too.
This past year... Well, I remember at the beginning of last year saying something along the lines of "2011?? BRING IT." ... Yeah, I'm never doing that again. It did. It brought it. It brought it good. I started off the year being a complete idiot, really. You know those mistakes that you make that you know are mistakes when you make them but you delude yourself into thinking you can make it work? Yeah... That was my January. And it kind of messed up the rest of the semester. Luckily I had "Twelve Angry Jurors" going on that semester so I had that to hold on to.
And then this summer... Best. Four Months. Of My Entire. Life. No exaggeration. I'm serious. Everything was right where it needed to be, I was doing what I needed to be doing. Granted, it wasn't butterflies and rainbows 24/7, but the good far, far, far outweighed anything not as good. I had found a rhythm. I had found as close to perfection as I've ever experienced. I didn't feel lost ever, or like I didn't know what I was doing with my life. I had a plan, I had a path. And I was moving right along.
Course, then I went back to school. Things had kind of gotten a little messy right before going back to school so the beginning of the semester was hell. And then General Conference rolled around... And I got answers. I had to remind myself of some of those answers every now and again throughout the rest of the semester, either by going back to General Conference talks or notes that I made, or Priesthood Blessings, or just talking with various trusted individuals (certain friends, family). But if I remembered what I needed to remember, took things one step at a time, and went to rehearsal to act hysterical as Mrs. Bennet, I was fine.
Then I came back home. Where I am now. Got my wisdom teeth taken out. Relaxed. Ta-da.
That was 2011.
So 2012? I'm not going to say "Bring it!" like I did to 2011, but....
Let's see what you can do.
Don't forget getting caught swinging at midnight and running from the cops...