
"Take an umbrella, it's raining."

So this semester I took a Directing class. The big project of the class was to direct a scene and then have it performed for the class. I had directed a one-act my senior year of high school and had so much fun doing it so I was rather excited to do it again with more experience. This time I directed about a ten-minute scene from a play that I was in in high school: "The Curious Savage".

For this scene I had six actors, all good friends of mine. We performed it in my cozy living room. And? I thought it went extremely well. I was very pleased. And whatever grade I'm given on it will not change my opinion of how well it went.

In fact, afterwards, I was chatting with a friend who was in the Directing class and, therefore, saw the scene. He films all of the productions at school and films a lot of the performances done in classes, including these. He was talking to me about how much he loved the space I used for the scene and mentioned it would be fun to film the entire play there.

"Yeah," I thought, "that would be fun. ...Yeah... Oh, my goodness... YEAH!"

Suddenly I have a fun side project for next semester. I've talked to all six of my actors from the scene yesterday to see if they would want to be a part of it, they've all said yes. I've talked to a couple other actors for other characters in the show and, so far, everyone's said yes. I'm thinking it'll be like a movie or television show schedule where we take a couple Saturdays here and there, rehearse a scene over and over and then film it all in one day.

Basically, I'm insanely excited for this. This show holds a dear place in my heart and I love that I'm getting to work with it again... and that I'm getting to continue to direct. And to direct people I love. And, basically, it's going to be all around amazing. And I'm excited. YYYAAAYYY.

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